Bike Cafe 3

Gulp. “Phew, I needed that,” as he downed the bottle to the last drop, feeling energized with all the caffeine he consumed.

He chilled for a bit, browsing through his phone. After a while, he cleaned out his table, as he sees a #CLAYGO sign glaring at him. With the trash in hand, he’s pleased that the store uses recyclable utensils.

“I’m keeping this,” he said as he puts the cold brew bottle into his bag.
“Time to go back to the road.” he thought. Tucked in the corner, the rack lined with bikes.

“So glad they have this.” Perfectly accessible for the tambays on two wheels. As Theo, pushes his bike into the curb, he sees a group of bikers pull up in front of the cafe. “I should join the bike group that my friend is telling me,” Theo thought.

As he prepares to ride again, he sees a fat cat cross the road. “Spoiled from all the cafe food, eh?,” he thought as he sees the cat disappear into the bushes. Helmet? Check. Bike lock? Check. Keys? Check.

He alights his bike and started to pedal away, together with the uncertainty during this situation. “Like riding a bike, this too shall pass,” he muses, one pedal at a time.